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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rapat akbar menolak DOLPHIN ISLAND dan kehadiran KAPAL HISAP di perariran Belitung

Tj. Pandan - BELITUNG 26 Feb 2011 di GEDUNG NASIONAL  - Rapat akbar dihadiri lebih dari kurang lebih 2000 dari berbagai elemen warga Belitung (warga dari Tanjungpandan, Sijuk, Badau, Membalong serta Selat Nasik dan derah pesisir pantai lain ) Dolphin Island merupakan proyek akal-akalan untuk memasukkan kapal isap yang menyebabkan rusaknya ekosistem perairan Belitung. 

Rapat akbar ini  untuk menolak proyek pembangunan Dophin Island sekaligus menolak kehadiran kapal isap di perariran Belitung.

Alasan mengapa masyarakat menolak DIKI..., click disini

Thursday, February 24, 2011


suasana Pulau belitung semakin memanas akibat PemKab Belitung masih memaksakan untuk tetap meneruskan Proyek DI..., Gimanakah nasib masyarakatnya ???

Media Masa Nasional

RAPAT AKBAR utk penolakan DIKI

Spanduk-spanduk yg tidak jelas "Spanduk HANTU"

B-Care serahkan kajian Kritis Tolak Dolphin Island dan Kapal Isap kepada Bupati Belitung
Kamis, 24/02/11 (2 hari sebelum RAPAT AKBAR tgl 26 Feb 2011)

Seperti inilah jadinya lautku dan pantai kalau kapal hisap sampai beroperasi, tidak akan biru lagi...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Foto-Foto Peninggalan Zaman Belanda.... Masih adakah...?

 De woning van een inheemse dokter Manggar, Billiton (1932).

"Rumah A-9 atau Rumah Dinas Dokter di bukit Samak Manggar". 
Foto diambil pada tahun 1932, rumah tsb adalah rumah dinas dokter kepala Rumah Sakit Timah Manggar (RSM), sejak dari masa Belanda NV GMB, PN Timah hingga masa UPT. Bel. Beberapa dokter kepala RSM yg saya ingat pernah tinggal di rumah tersebut adalah Dr. Susanto, Dr. Drajat Rijanto, Dr. Indri Warsito & terakhir Dr. Bachtaroeddin Purba. Sedangkan pada masa Belanda yang banyak diingat oleh orang2 tua adlh Dr. Marteen de Joong & dr. Chung.

Pendapat "Nurman Sunata" dan "Juhri Larisa"


jadi kesimpulannye:

  • Bang NATA atau sape ikam aku dak jelas status ikam to tapi yg aku tau ikam GM BUMD di belitung ......
  • H.JUHRI : Bapak inikan HAJI...., atau haji2an.....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Aksi Damai penolakan rencana pembangunan pulau lumba2 atau Dolphin Island di Negeri Laskar Pelangi atau Pulau Belitung

Jakarta, 22/01/2011; sebelum aksi di mulai IKPB,IKMB B-Care melakukan Live di TV ONE pada pukul 07 30 WIB setelah itu aksi turun di bundaran HI dari jam 8 hingga pukul 10 WIB....aksi juga diliput oleh media elekronik Metro TV,Indosiar,MNC TV,TV ONE serta media cetak..Swara rakyat,Tempo,Suara Merdeka serta media cetak lainnya...dalam aksi juga hadir sambil orasi Pius dari Walhi Pusat.....Tolak Dolphin dan juga kapal hisap masuk Bangka Belitung atau Negeri Laskar Pelangi......................!!!!!!!!!!

Jakarta Hari Ini, Demo Dolphin Island di Bundaran HI 22 Januari 2011

Ikatan Keluarga Pelajar Belitung (IKPB) Pusat akan mengikuti sesi laporan masyarakat dalam program Apa Kabar Indonesia Pagi yang disiarkan TV One di Jakarta, Sabtu (22/1) hari ini. Mereka rencananya akan menyampaikan aksi penolakan proyek Dolphin Island bersama dengan masyarakat Belitung di Jakarta yang tergabung dalam wadah Belitung Care.
Ketua IKPB Pusat, Teguh Trinanda mengatakan gerakan moral ‘Jaga Belitung’ itu diawali dengan menghadiri acara Apa Kabar Indonesia Pagi di TV One sekitar pukul 08.30 WIB. Setelah itu, aksi dilanjutkan di Bundaran HI dengan membagi-bagikan 1.000 stiker ‘Save Belitung Island’ kepada pengguna jalan sembari membentangkan spanduk penolakan proyek Dolphin Island

Sebelum melakukan aksi, lanjutnya, IKPB pusat sudah berkoordinasi dengan sejumlah pihak, diantaranya melaporkan MoU Dolphin Island kepada Lembaga Konsultasi Batuan Hukum (LKBH) Kampus, Universitas Sahid, Jakarta. Selain itu, pihaknya juga berkoordinasi dengan dua organisasi non-pemerintah, Jaringan Advokasi Tambang (Jatam) dan organisasi non-profit, Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (Walhi) pusat. Rencananya dua organisasi itu akan mengirimkan perwakilannya untuk ikut gerakan bersama IKPB pusat di Jakarta.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ahok: Dolphin Island Itu Menjual Belitung

TANJUNGPANDAN, POS BELITUNG – Kesepakatan penguasaan lahan Dolphin Island dalam Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) sebesar 40 persen menjadi milik Pemkab Belitung dan 60 persen milik PT Mekar Mulia Mandiri (MMM), mendapat kritikan Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, anggota DPR RI asal Bangka Belitung.
Kesepakatan penguasaan lahan ini dinilai berbahaya. Menurut Basuki, pemegang saham mayoritas proyek Dolphin Island yakni PT MMM, bisa saja menjualnya ke luar negeri. Bila demikian, akan terjadi penguasaan Dolphin Island oleh negara lain, yang berakibat terjadinya negara dalam negara.
“Dalam MoU yang ditandatangani bupati dan PT MMM tentang penguasaan lahan Dolphin Island 40 persen pemda dan 60 persen PT MMM, itu namanya menjual Belitung,” kata Basuki kepada Grup Bangka Pos via telepon, Rabu (5/1) lalu mengomentari rencana proyek Dolphin Island yang berkembang selama ini.
Mantan Bupati Beltim yang akrab disapa Ahok ini menyarankan agar Pemkab Belitung berkaca dari kasus pemberian hak guna usaha (HGU) lahan kepada investor di kawasan Pantai Tanjungtinggi. Hal yang sama juga dilakukan pemkab pada lahan kawasan Pantai Tanjungkelayang Kecamatan Sijuk. Ternyata lahan itu ditelantarkan investor, dan pemkab tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa.
“Kemarin saya bertemu wagub, beliau mengatakan bahwa soal Dolphin Island baru sebatas MoU. Namun bila berbicara soal Dolphin Island, kita mesti melihat, apakah sebenarnya Belitung membutuhkan Dolphin Island? Kalau memang proyek itu jadi dilaksanakan, kepemilikan lahan Dolphin Island harus 100 persen milik pemda dan disertifikatkan. Setelah ada sertifikat, baru investor bisa membangun berbagai infrastruktur di atas lahan pemkab,” kata Ahok.
Ahok mengaku heran, bila memang investor tersebut benar-benar akan membangun obyek wisata baru, mengapa pembangunan tersebut harus menggunakan hasil dari menambang timah. Pemkab Belitung harus mengkaji hal ini lebih mendalam.
Dan yang menjadi pertanyaan lagi, apakah dengan cara seperti ini akan menguntungkan Belitung? Padahal bila akan mengembangkan obyek wisata, kawasan Pantai Tanjungtinggi dan Tanjungkelayang masih banyak lahan yang bisa digunakan.
“Apa hebatnya Dolphin Island dibandingkan Tanjungtinggi atau Tanjungkelayang? Kalau niatnya mau mencari timah menggunakan kapal isap, jangan mengarang-ngarang alasan akan membangun obyek wisata baru. Ini kasusnya hampir sama dengan proyek Water Front City di Pangkalpinang,” kata Ahok.
Ahok menegaskan bahwa tidak ada alasan membangun Dolphin Island di Belitung, karena masih banyak obyek wisata potensial yang bisa dikembangkan. “Ngomong jujur sajalah bahwa proyek ini untuk mengeruk timah. Jangan niatnya menambang timah, namun dibungkus dengan proyek membangun obyek wisata baru,” tegas Ahok.
Ahok juga mengkritisi adanya sumbangan pihak ketiga Rp 1.000/kilogram timah dari beroperasinya kapal isap dalam proyek Dolphin Island. Menurut Ahok, proyek Dolphin Island ini terkesan dipaksakan.
“Kita mengacu pada UU keterbukaan, berani tidak bupati membuka berapa jumlah kekayaannya kepada publik. Apakah jumlah kekayaannya saat ini masih wajar bila dibandingkan dengan penghasilannya sebagai bupati?” ujarnya. (ted)

SUMBER : http://www.posbelitung.com/ahok-dolphin-island-itu-menjual-belitung.html

Company PT.MMM "he experienced"

@ Ps Riro
PT.MMM new company established in 2009 
the notary Drs. Wijanto Suwongso, SH 
notary address Jl. 75B East Cideng CENTRAL JAKARTA Tlp. : (021) 3447723, (021) 3447724 Fax. : (021) 3447725
"Stand up in 2009 ..??
"Stand up in 2009 ..?? In post Belitong PT had already experienced a island in mumbai .. necessary in investigating documents concerning the company's work experience that ... true whether in 1 year to make the island .."

Mega project model "DOLPHIN" emerging in Indonesia.

@ Johanus Adwijan Leber

Mega project model "DOLPHIN" emerging in Indonesia.
Examples of mega projects in Papua there are plantations of 60 trillion but with $ 300 trillion cleared the forest so investors profit 240 trillion,
people just can dregs, .. because the estate did not belong to the people ... the preservation of nature is broken.
This model is in duplicate PT MMM .. they controlled an area of 4000 hectares Lalut,
minerals contained in it they take (75% to investors, 25%) for local government;
What can the people? fishermen lost their fishing what governments want to think about??)
The value of tin in the exploitation of valuable natural areas of at least 10 trillion,
any mining activity by the suction vessel will produce tailings.
These tailings are made in raw materials to make "DOLPHIN".
to further convince the public of PT MMM said the investment value "island" that 3 trillion,
but they do not have that much money today.
3 trillion in money taken from the 10 trillion the exploitation of local lead ... to wake up "the dolphins" of 1000 hectares
(60% of land "island" in controlled by the investor).

For your information:
MMM is a mining company PT usual with no experience of making the island.
To create a true island you must click on the website: Tom Wright, architect of the Burj al Arab Hotel, Dubai
www.tomwrightdesign.com, for your reference ..... you never want fooled by corporation and nuts !!!!!!

3T (trillion) in exchange with 10T (trillion)

PT MMM .. they ruled the sea area of 4000 hectares, the minerals contained in them they take (75% to investors, 25% for local government;
People can what? fishermen lost their fishing what governments want to think about??)
The value of tin in the bladder in the area at least 10 trillion worth of exploitation, every mining activity by the suction vessel will produce tailings.
These tailings are made in raw materials to make "DOLPHIN ISLAND".
To further convince the public of PT MMM said an investment of "island" that 3 trillion, but they do not have that much money today. 3 trillion in money taken from the 10 trillion the exploitation of local lead ... to wake up "the dolphins" of 1000 hectares (60% of land "island" in controlled by the investor).

what a stupid person OFFICERS OF THE GOVERNMENT BELITUNG related in this .... , Where ... their conscience, whether they were school


THIS IS MENTERJEMAHAN HIDAYAT posting RYAN DAVE STRAHLER posts, EXPERT ISLAND BUILDERS: Here's exposure in by Dave strahler gone into before, she is an Island builder in miami. He provides a link to www.tomwrithdesign.com, about how the Burj Al Arab didesig and built. He explained to create an island is not enough to just install the milestone and then backfilled with soil. In connection with the dolphin island, he analyzes the current that can cause erosion on one part and heaping sides blamed one another, which in turn causes siltation of the river channel so that ships can no longer enter the harbor Tanjungpandan. Required construction companies continued to driedging (dredging) that big and also a big investor (PMM?), There are only few who can do the job (world class, PMM?). to design and have required cost planningnya miliyaran euros. If only stacked as such, will cause delays usually do not even ship entered the harbor Tanjungpandan forever. Next he reviewed several cases and issues at hand. Kobe and Kansai airports which are both in Japan, which built on an artificial island by those who are dubbed "the best builder in the world has a cost miliyan dollars and is now slowly sinking. In dubai palm island, the occurrence of a similar case in which the home also had cracks on them, to overcome this they hire NAKHEL PROPERTIES and therefore required considerable expense. Property developers continued in the united Arab Emirates, is also experiencing the same thing, they hired a company from belgium & netherlands hoarding. Problems are also faced by the Contractor Marine Jan de Nul and Van Qor and several world-class specialists in terms of reclamation. In conclusion dolphin island is fiction & Folly


BELITUNG Parliament through the Joint Meeting of Commission I, II, III, attended by 16 members of the Board, on October 29, 2010, issued a "blessing" to the Government District only through a NOTE MEETING, in the form of two conclusions. First, it supports the Government of Belitung province to do the memorandum of understanding (MoU) and a cooperation agreement with PT. Venerable Blooms Mandiri (PT.MMM). Second, ask the Government District and PT MMM, before doing the activities, must meet all technical and administrative requirements, including EIA, and socialization. Meeting notes are then assumed to be a recommendation only signed the Vice Chairman of DPRD Kabupaten Belitung, Mahadir Basti. Note the meeting said that the decision was taken after the Joint Meeting on the same date, in the morning (0830 GMT), has held a hearing, the presentation of PT. MMM. Having finished the morning hearing, in the afternoon (16:00) held the Joint Meeting of Commission I, II, and II are the result of two conclusions contained in the above NOTE MEETING. Lapse of ten days later, on December 9, 2010, at 14:00, with great haste, Belitung regency government invited 26 stakeholders, in order to implement the signing of the agreement. Based on the invitation signed by Regent Pacific Islands, December 1, 2010, meeting in the framework of the MoU signing Discussion and Cooperation Agreement of Reclamation and Development Area Dolphin Island in Cape Coast buried, Water Saga, Tanjung Pandan District. Although the incident had occurred with the NGOs who question the MoU, the MoU was still signed in the afternoon, December 9, 2010.

REGENT BELITUNG "dolphin is a distinguished mining investment mask clad tourism"

News Today, December 30, 2010, at the POS Belitong about Dolph REGENT finally mention the existence of mines in the project behind it ...?, yesterday there was no fear ... I do not know, whether people want to act stupid K-bodohin.
As mentioned there are Mines ......??, REGENT increasingly REGENT Approve That's right ... The ship suction, which will destroy the beach and the Sea and its contents ...!!, Belitong The commitment WHAT YOU DO NOT BERPIIER .... MISSION AND VISION THAT K IS NO SEA MINING ...?. YOU do not mean or include hypocritical ..!!, Commits
Other reasons SHIP ISLAND DOLPHIN and suction: -Development of tourism -Adding Employment Public health-insurance costs (JKB)

The statement about the ship Suction regents Belitung .....?

Belitung regents statement about the ship would be sucked into the land of the Rainbow Warriors in one of THE LOCAL MEDIA MUST USE RECLAMATION ...."" emang hoe ....... HEAVY DUTY TWENTY decades BELITUNG, BUT PEOPLE STILL ONLY ONE SHIP Suction PEOPLE WANT TO SIGN BELITUNG began bustling ...... SWARA PEOPLE: Do not act stupid kid COMMUNITY WITH TEXT "

"you know .. instead of heavy equipment which has been signed by tens is because the policy itself that ngak Pemkab BELITUNG expressly to forbid it ... strange, do not compare the 10 machine with a suction vessel who smoked 40-60 tonnes a day ... plus strange course, yes ... why the regents who sewot hell ..? why his investors stay calm .. lest indication ..???

Pelindo Belitung SHOCK

TANJUNGPANDAN, POS BELITUNG ‑ "Not just among the players concerned with tourism development plans Dolphin Island. PT Pelindo II as the manager of the Port Tanjungpandan too worried. They were shocked after seeing the map of project activities that circulate in the community when published Pos Belitung, Issue Thursday (30/12).

General Manager (GM) Branch Tanjungpandan PT Pelindo II, Moh Iqbal expressed shock to see a map of Dolphin Island development project.

According to her map of the location plan of activities was included in the navigation channel. They worry that dredging activity at that location will have an impact on changes in seafloor topography is not imaginable. The change was more or less will affect the existing flow conditions for this.

"When viewed from an existing map in the newspaper, we plot had been hit and that would interfere with ship traffic in the harbor," said Iqbal to the Group of Bangka Pos, Thursday (30/12).

He said this during his side refrained from commenting on development plans for Dolphin Island does not have authentic data about the project plan Dolphin Island.

Until now PT Pelindo II Branch Tanjungpandan've never talked to the local government district project plan dolphin related Belitung island. While the information that they could have only come from mass media report only.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pelindo Belitung Terkaget-kaget

TANJUNGPANDAN, POS BELITUNG ‑ Tak saja kalangan pelaku pariwisata yang cemas dengan rencana pembangunan Dolphin Island. PT Pelindo II selaku pengelola Pelabuhan Tanjungpandan juga khawatir. Mereka terkejut setelah melihat peta kegiatan proyek yang beredar di masyarakat saat diterbitkan Pos Belitung, Edisi Kamis (30/12).
General Manager (GM) PT Pelindo II Cabang Tanjungpandan, Moh Iqbal menyatakan kekagetannya melihat peta kegiatan proyek pembangunan Dolphin Island.
Menurut dia peta rencana lokasi kegiatan itu masuk dalam alur pelayaran. Mereka khawatir kegiatan pengerukan di lokasi itu akan berdampak pada perubahan topografi dasar laut yang tidak bisa dibayangkan. Perubahan itu sedikit banyak akan mempengaruhi kondisi alur yang sudah ada selama ini.
“Kalau dilihat dari peta yang ada di koran, alur kita itu sudah kena dan itu akan mengganggu lalu lintas kapal di pelabuhan,” kata Iqbal kepada Grup Bangka Pos, Kamis (30/12).
Ia menuturkan selama ini pihaknya menahan diri untuk mengomentari rencana pembangunan Dolphin Island karena belum memiliki data otentik soal rencana proyek Dolphin Island.
Hingga saat ini PT Pelindo II Cabang Tanjungpandan belum pernah diajak bicara oleh pemda Kabupaten Belitung terkait rencana proyek dolphin island. Sedangkan informasi yang mereka dapat selama ini hanya bersumber dari pemberintaan media massa saja.

Pegawai Negeri Sipil (Tugas dan Tanggungjawabnya)

 Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) adalah salah satu jenis Kepegawaian Negeri di samping anggota TNI dan Anggota POLRI (UU No 43 Th 1999). Pengertian Pegawai Negeri adalah warga negara RI yang telah memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan, diangkat oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan diserahi tugas dalam suatu jabatan negeri, atau diserahi tugas negara lainnya, dan digaji berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku (pasal 1 ayat 1 UU 43/1999).